Friday 12 June 2015

All I Know Now by Carrie Hope Fletcher

We all know that growing up is hard to do, and sometimes the only thing that makes it better are the reassuring words of someone who has walked that bumpy road just a few steps ahead of you and somehow ended up as a fully-functioning adult. Carrie Hope Fletcher is that person. Thanks to her phenomenally popular YouTube videos, Carrie has become an 'honorary big sister' to hundreds of thousands of young people who turn to her for advice, friendship and, most of all, the knowledge that things will get better.

Carrie has created a safe and positive space for young people to connect and share their hopes and concerns online, and now she will share her most personal thoughts and experiences in her first book, ALL I KNOW NOW. It includes Carrie's thoughts on some of the topics she's asked about most regularly: bullying, body image, relationships and perhaps the scariest question of all: what does the future hold for me?With warmth, wit and a sprinkling of hard-won wisdom, Carrie will provide the essential tools for growing up gracefully . . . most of the time.

Ok so after reading this book I am pretty sure that to write it Carrie jumped inside my head, pulled out my teenage years, my thoughts and my feelings and wrote them down. Her story of growing up is pretty much exactly the same as mine. 

Although I am not a teenage girl looking for answers for everything from school and relationships to the internet, I really do think that this book is the perfect companion for growing up, finding yourself and dealing with life. In writing this book Carrie is living up to her name of 'honorary big sister' and I think a lot of girls (and boys) will take comfort from this. 

I read this book as somebody who, like Carrie, has already gone through everything, but still with a lot of life ahead. It was interesting to me to see her thoughts looking back and whether they were the same as mine. They were. I think everybody that has now hit their twenties and beyond, and seen the light at the end of the tunnel they thought they would never see, we all feel the same feelings of anger, embarrassment and at times humour, when realising what we should have done in the situations we were faced with.

What I like about this book is that it is divided into 'acts' in reference to Carrie's theatre career. So if at a particular time you are having relationship trouble, you can find that 'act' and read that part. Carrie has also managed to get the mix of advise and humour perfectly balanced, which means even when reading the more serious stuff you always have a reason for a bit of a giggle. She has written this book completely honestly and as herself and that shines through every page.

I would recommend this book mainly to teenagers but also young adults that want a look back on their former years, as they will make you remember every aspect of them and probably give you a good giggle along the way!

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