Wednesday 17 June 2015

Isabella's Last Request by Laura Lawrence

"It’s been two weeks Isabella. How can you love him? This is going to be another Stuart again.’
I actually feel like I’ve just ripped her heart out. I hate to see her like this, but I feel as her best friend and sister figure, I should try and keep her grounded."

Olivia and her best friend Isabella are travelling the world completing their bucket list of 100 things to do before you die. The reason being that Isabella is seriously ill and doesn't know how much longer she has left.

Will they manage to complete their list in time or will they get distracted by cute boys and tourist spots? Join them on their mission and feel their strong friendship shine through at the hardest times.

Thank you to Laura for sending me a copy of this book for review. This is the first of Laura's novels that I have read but it definitely won't be the last.

From the title of the book, you can kind of guess what it is going to be about, but it took me a while to realise what the reason behind their list was, and just how serious it was.
Isabella's Last Request is based around two best friends, Olivia and Isabella, who have complied a bucket list of things to do before they die. They travel, meet boys, fall in love and have fun, all while ticking things off of the bucket list.

The way Laura has written this book just makes you want to keep on reading, you want to find out what the problem is but also want to join in on the fun the girls are having on their travels. Laura writes so beautifully and has the power to engage you right from the start.
I finished this book in a day because I couldn't put it down. You start to feel like you are with Olivia and Isabella on their journey and become emotionally attached to them.

This book reminds me of A Fault In Our Stars by John Green, which is one of my favourite books ever, so I think that made me enjoy it so much more.

After finishing this book I have noticed that there is a sequel, Isabella's Last Gift, so that will definitely be one to add to my list! I would recommend this book to anybody that love chic-lit novels with lots of emotion, I will warn you though, make sure you have tissues at the ready!

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